Sunday, March 16, 2008

Eric Crafton's Messiah Complex

Metro Councilman Eric Crafton seems to think he is the answer to Nashville's troubled public school system, so he's "seriously considering" running for the District 9 School board seat now held by board Chairwoman Marsha Warden.

Crafton has said he's had many people urge him to make the run for the school board. No doubt this includes many of his current constituents. But not for the reasons he might think. By law, he would have to resign his Council seat as soon as he becomes a candidate for the school board. One can envision there are some residents of Bellevue planning "Crafton for School Board" fundraisers right now.

Crafton is a cocksure, curmudgeonly conservative who is a little too transparent in showing just how little he regards the opinions and ideas of others and how highly he regards his own ideas. He has quipped that the current school board worries too much about vending machines in the schools and standard school attire than about teaching kids to read and write.

We all might take Crafton's desire to serve the school a little more seriously if his own daughter wasn't enrolled in private school, and if Crafton didn't have a record of denying needed funding to the public schools.

How can Crafton now claim to be part of the solution (or THE solution) when for so long he's been part of the problem?

I do hope he runs for the School Board though. The best case scenario is that he resigns from Metro Council and is defeated for School Board. Then, for a while anyway, Nashville will have a brief respite from Mr. Crafton in public office.

And for what it's worth, I've always thought Eric Crafton bears an unsettling resemblance to the infamous Rev. Jim Jones. Creepy.

1 comment:

mamalove said...

"We all might take Crafton's desire to serve the school a little more seriously if his own daughter wasn't enrolled in private school, and if Crafton didn't have a record of denying needed funding to the public schools."