Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kudos to Liz Garrigan

I have to give kudos to the Nashville Scene's Liz Garrigan for her brutally honest take on the state of Nashville's superficial philanthropy community in her March 6 article, A Note to the Social Oligarchy.

Although I am certainly not part of the moneyed crowd, I often have occasion to be on the periphery of these charity/philanthropy/non-profit functions Garrigan writes about. And what she writes is absolutely true. The same cabal of wealthy donors are invited to every ceremony in town by every charity and non-profit in existence.

The fawning shown by the Directors of Development (a euphemism for "beggar") is often nauseating. I think if I was the one being fawned at so often, I would feel a palpable sneering contempt for the fawners. I hear myself saying, "Cut to the chase, how much are you asking for?" just so they would leave me alone and knock off the chummy patter.

At so many different functions, I see the same notable people, in addition to many of the ambitious and decidedly not camera shy local politicians. For most people attending, it's business. It's an opportunity to see and be seen and keep up relations with people who are important to their business. Ever wonder why Ralph Schultz, the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce seems to be at so many of these events?

I guess I'm jaded. I once had the notion that people are charitable out of a sense of benevolence. But really, they wouldn't be there if it wasn't good for business. If it wasn't raising their profile in the community and giving them the chance to network.

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