Saturday, March 15, 2008

Welcome to the Ugly Side of Nashville

Nashville has been my home for many years now. I love Nashville. But the longer I live here, and the more I get involved in community events, social functions, and the local politics, I frequently find myself thinking to myself, "You people are fucking assholes/idiots/obnoxious social climbers" (which of the three depends on the person and setting).

I'm starting this blog as a sort of self-therapy. One, because it's cheaper than real therapy, and two because I'm sure there are many other people out there who make the same observations about Nashville life that I do and it would be nice to have the affirmation that I'm not alone in this.

I have thoughts about Nashville life every day, but have only recently thought to post them online. My postings will be mostly about the things I deal with as a Nashvillian: traffic (and the rude assholes on the road), local politics, the media, schools and education, shopping, restaurants, the social scene, sports, our local celebrities, community planning and development, the workforce and business, the entertainment scene, and any other random subjects that might be currently making a hubbub in the city.

Nashville really is a great place to live. I'm proud of my city. I think as a whole, we're smart people, generous, friendly, and appreciate the arts, public parks, and a good quality of life. But like family, there's always parts of it that drive you crazy, embarrass you, or make you want to lash out in a temporary bout of Tourette's and say exactly what's on your mind.

That's what I intend to do here. To speak about the good, the bad, and mostly, the ugly. I'll warn you, this blog will be mostly about my gripes. When there are good, positive things happening in the city, I'll certainly post about that, but this is mostly a venue for me to vent. And if I step on toes, I'm sorry, but I hope the honesty starts a dialog.

I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts about life in Nashville. If you agree or disagree, either way, I'd love to hear your comments.

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