Saturday, March 15, 2008

Silly statements of questionable veracity

I often listen to talk radio when I'm driving. I listen to either 99.7 WTN or NPR. This tends to give me both the conservative and liberal perspective. I'm not partial to either, really. My politics are pretty a la carte. I take a side that I think is sensible and pragmatic.

That said, it's pretty clear that conservative talk radio has as its audience a pretty high percentage of total buffoons. At one time I used to listen to Steve Gill's show. He got to be so utterly ridiculous and bombastic I just couldn't take him seriously anymore and stopped listening. It was obvious he wasn't the least bit interested in having a reasonable discussion, only talking over those who disagree with him and making inflammatory uber-conservative remarks that caricature social conservatism. I thought to myself, "Steve Gill is a tool". Then I met him in person and my opinion of him went even lower.

I still sometimes listen to Phil Valentine. I disagree with him more than I agree and I think he often appeals to people who are ignorant, xenophobic, and Christian fundamentalists. But I do think he and Johnny B are entertaining and do sometimes make a point that I agree with. However, some callers are just complete idiots and Phil often agrees with them and affirms their absurd statements.

I was listening the other day and one caller (with a typical hick accent) made the risible assertion that Planned Parenthood and the Ku Klux Klan have the same common goals, to kill as many black babies as possible.

Really? Where do people like this come from?

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